깔깔 웃음 보따리/미국 보따리

Last Child Support Check

Veronica Kim 2008. 2. 19. 15:23


   Today be my baby girl 18th birthday.  
I b glad that dis be my last child support payment!
 Month after month, year after year, all  dose  payments!  
 So I call my baby girl, LaKeesha, to come to my  house,
 and when she get here, I say, 'Baby girl,
 I want you to take dis check over to yo momma house
 and tell her dis be the last check she ever be gettin' from me,
 and I want you to come back and tell me the 'spression on yo mama face.'

So , my baby girl take the check over to her momma.

I be anxious to  hear what she say, and bout the 'spression on her face.
Baby girl walk through the door, I say,
'Now what yo momma say 'bout that?'
  She  say to tell you that 'you ain't my daddy' . 


 and watch the 'spression on yo face'!!!

SCROLL  DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 &nb sp; 


Lawd a Mercy !!!!!!!!






'깔깔 웃음 보따리 > 미국 보따리' 카테고리의 다른 글

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