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사진으로 꾸며 본 Sedona 관광 이야기

Veronica Kim 2011. 4. 2. 15:12


 내려가다 보면 사진이 끊어져서 더 보이지 않을 수가 있습니다,

이런때에는 한참 동안 기다리시든가, 만일 짜증나서 못 기다리시겠으면, 

마우스의 오른쪽 단추를 누르시고 Show Picture 또는 Refresh를 클릭하시면 사진이 보입니다.



풍선 처럼 부푼 가슴들을 안고 버스는 떠납니다. 하늘로 나르지는 않겠지요??

끝이 보이지 않는 모하비 사막에 지천으로 깔려있는 사막의 식물들.

누가 사막을 황량하다고 하였나!  사막은 마음으로 느끼며 바라보아야 된다.

그속에 숨겨진 역사와 온갖 생물들의 겉으로 들어나 보이지 않는 모든 삶을 이해하며...  

1,600만년 간 곱게 다져져서 모래 처럼 변했다.(그 이전에는 위와 같이 검었었던 것이)

끝없이 이어지는 사막과 그 가운데 우뚝우뚝 솟아있는 돌산들은

그 옛날 인디언들이 말을 타고 질주하며 사냥을 하던 그곳이 아니던가!

우리의 2박의 숙소인 일급 호텔, "Harrahs Laughlin".    Laughlin이란 도시는 거대하지도 않고 복잡하지도 않고

사막지대에 오아시스와도 같은 맑은 물의 콜로라도 강이 아리조나( Arizona )주와 네바다( Nevada )주의 경계를 그으며

유유히 흐르는 곳이다. 현재는 연간 400만명 이상이 찾는 새로운 도박의 메카로 변모하고 있다.


호텔에서 저녁 식사를 마치고 보트를 타고 콜로라도 강을 따라 이웃 Casino로 마실을 갔지요.

이것도 추억의 한 순간이니 증명사진은 필수.

밤 하늘에는 눈썹 같은 초생달이, 콜로라도 강변에는 휘황 찬란한 Casino Hotel들의 불빛이.... 

이튿날은 새벽 일찍(몇시라고는 차마 말 못해) 부터 Sedona로 출발. 해가 뜨니 차창으로 이 기막힌 풍경들이 스쳐가네.

차창 저너머로 어느 집 담장에 개나리가 활짝 피었네.

미국에서 가장 아름다운 도로 중의 하나인, 오크크릭 캐년 내를 우리는 달리고 있다.

이 엄청난 장관에 우리는 입을 다물지 못했다. 그리고...하느님의 주소는 Sedona, Arizona라는 것도 알아 내었다!

오크크릭 캐년 내의 Slide Rock State Park에 도착하여 명상과 산책을...

언니의 부탁으로 독사진 한장을 찍어드리고...

Slide Rock의 이 멋진 풍경을 먼저 담아놓고...

동작도 빠르셔. 어느새 물에 발을 담그셨네.

얼음 같은 차가운 물에 세족(足)을 하고 세도나 진입을 위한 몸과 마음의 준비를...

우리의 여행 가이드, Alex님, 그 어느 누가 이보다 더 박식할 수가 있으리오! 

지금은 명상 중. "부산 가스나들 정말 괜찮네....!!"

아무리 폼 잡아봤자 이 계곡의 아름다움에 어찌 비하리오.

여기서도 증명사진 한장 남기고...

차장 밖에는 이런 풍경들과

이런 풍경들이 펼쳐지고...

West Sedona의 전경

Los Abrigados Resorts(세도나의 발상지)에서 내려다 본 전경

여기서도 그냥 가지는 못하리.


시인과 예술인의 마을 제1의 전시관 "Exposures International Gallery of Fine Arts"의 내부(몰카로 찍었음. Reporter이니까)

100 여명의 1,000 여 점의 작품들이 전시되어 있다고 합니다. 아리조나의 명소 중의 명소.


이 작품의 가격은 15만 불, 150만 불 짜리 조각품이 정문 입구에 있는 것을 뒤 늦게야 알아서 사진을 찍지 못했음. 원통! 

뒷마당에도 수없이 많은 크고 작은 조각 작품들이...

재미있는 작품들이 여기저기에 널려있다.

영험스러운 기가 분출 된다는 Schnebly Hills 가 올려다 보이는 "Canyon Breeze"라는 식당에서 점심 식사를...

앞으로 남은 중요한 몇 곳으로 우리를 태워다 줄 Trolley  

한 어린이가 길 거리에 서 있는 왕년의 서부영화 배우 사진을 찍고 있다.

Geoffrey Roth 화랑 옆에 한국계 중견 각가, 김고리(Kim, Kori)씨의 작품.그녀의 작품은 주로 작은 동물들이 소재가 되는데

특히 동물들에 표정을 넣는 것이 특이하고 재미있다고... 위의 작품을 보시라. 전형적인 한국의 부부상이 아닐까요?

위에 있는 남자가 저 도도하고 만족스런 표정으로 하는 말."너는 지금 부터 완존 내꺼야!"

밑에 있는 여자가 죽었다는 표정으로 하는 말."뜻대로 하이소. 저는 이제 당신꺼라예."

Chapel of the Holy Cross


기도의 명소인 아주 작은 성당, Chapel of The Holy Cross 의 내부

너도 나도 촛불을 밝히고 기도하였지요. 그 무엇을 위하여...

성당 아래에 보이는 집은 라식수술을 처음으로 개발한 어느 의사의 저택

맨 왼쪽 저 멀리에 Courthouse Butte, 그 오른쪽에 Bell Rock

성당 앞 저 멀리 남쪽 전경


가운데가 Madonna,(성모 마리아가 아기 예수님을 안으신 모습 같음). 오른쪽 두개의 Rock은 The Nuns.


Fragile environment. Please do not climb on the rocks.



Cathedral Rock 은 방향에 따라서 하나로 둘로 셋으로 또 넷으로 보임.

Bell Rock 앞에서

차창 너머로 스치는 풍경은 모두가 한폭의 명화...

붉은 돌산의 바위 틈새로 이름도 알 수 없는 사막의 식물들의 멋진 모습

Hopi Indian들의 푸에블로 주거 형식으로 지은 집들. 사막의 더위를 이기기 위해 벽을 두툼하게 하고, 또 아주 옛날에는 

앞 뒤 옆에는 대문도 창문도 없고 지붕으로 사다리를 놓고 올라가 그 사다리를 치워버림. 외부의 침입을 막기 위함이였다고...

도박의 메카 Laughlin의 Casino Hotel 지역을 빠져 나올 때, 큼직하게 이렇게 쓰여진 글이 눈에 뜨이네. 

Vaya Con Dios ('신과 함께 가라'는 뜻)라고....  왜 여기다 이 말을 써 놓았을까요? 각자 생각을 해 봅시다. 

집으로 돌아 오는 길.  먼산에 잔설이 보이고 산 아래에 기차가 지나가네. 미국 기차는 정말 길기도 하다.

"정말로 미국 땅은 넓고도 넓고, 가 볼 곳도 너무나 많다."

The Geology of Sedona, Arizona

Sedona Arizona is built on a bed of Redwall limestone which was deposited there 330 million years ago by a shallow tropical sea. Through the limestone runs the water that supplies Sedona Arizona via many aquifers.

Where the limestone gets thin and dissolves, sinkholes are formed, some of them giant-sized.

One famous sinkhole is Devil's Dining Room. If you've ever seen limestone, you know it's not red, but rather grayish color. Sedona, Arizona's red limestone actually is grayish limestone that's been stained by

oxidized iron deposits that trickle down to the limestone. The deposits coat the limestone particles resulting in a rusty color.

The Redwall is covered by four layers of more red substance called the Supai Group.

The Supai groups is about six hundred feet thick and was laid down about 300 million years ago.

 Visitors to the Sedona Arizona area today can see exposed Supai group rocks at Wilson Canyon underneath the Midgely Bridge. The next layer, above the Supai group,k is the Hermit formation, laid around 280 million years ago.

The Hermit formation is made of mudstone, sandstone, and conglomerate. It's dark red and, as the final layer,

you can see it everywhere today. Sedona sits right on top of the Hermit formation.

The Hermit formation isnt' the final layer of earth, however. Remember, Sedona sits on the Hermit formation,

but Sedona isn't' the highest thing around. Take a look around and you'll see buttes and spires.

These used to be coastal sand dunes and were formed around 270 million years ago. In some places it's seven hundred feet thick. We then have Coconino sandstone, laid about 265 million years ago, followed by a layer added around 262 million years ago, sometimes called Toroweap formation. It's identified by horizontal band of green vegetation on the higher peaks. Next up is the Kaibab formation, made mostly of limestone, put there around 255 million years ago.

There are fossils in the Kaibab formation, and it makes up the Mogollon Rim, not to mention the rim of the Grand Canyon.

The other significant determiner of geologic formations in the story of Sedona Arizona natural history were lava flows,

which started around 15 million years ago. They formed outcroppings and filled fault lines.

Today, the major force at work in the canyons and valleys of the Sedona Arizona area is erosion.


"Sedona, Arizona Natural History is a story of rocks"

A Guide to the Rock Formations Around Sedona, Arizona

< Formations You Can See from Airport Mesa >

Lost Wilson Mountain

This Sedona Arizona guide begins with Lost Wilson Mountain. Lost Wilson Mountain has an elevation of 6,762 feet,

and is called Lost Wilson Mountain not because it's small, but

because it seems separated physically from the rest of the group of formations that include Wilson Mountain.

Coffee Pot Rock

No Sedona Arizona guide would be complete without a description of Coffee Pot Rock.

Coffee Pot Rock is a famous landmark where a small studio town was built in the 1940

by John Wayne for his film Angel and the Badman. Other westerns used the studio town at the base of Coffee Pot Rock,

 but then it was demolished in order to make real buildings...housing development.

Bear Mountain

Bear Mountain did not get its name because it has bears on it. Bears don't really like rocky desert conditions! This peak looks like a bear from the distance. It stands 6,541 feet tall and has a trail to the top. The steep, difficult and hot trail is three miles long and you can see San Francisco Peaks in Flagstaff from the top. T

Wilson Mountain

Wilson Mountain is 7,122 feet tall and named after Richard Wilson.

Richard Wilson was a bear hunter who was killed by a grizzly in 1885. His body was found in Wilson Canyon,

which is also named after him. This is the tallest mountain in Sedona, Arizona.

Soldier's Pass

A Pass is a gap in a chain of mountains or other rock formations. Soldier's Pass is named after the soldiers who made their way through here from Fort Verde in the 1860s and 1870s. They camped here and fished and hunted and called it Camp Garden.


Sugarloaf is a butte on U.S. Forest Service land. There's a forest on this butte,

and since it's close to the actual city of Sedona, Arizona, makes a good weekend place for locals.

It's called Sugarloaf Butte because sugar used to come in loaves in the days of the pioneers.

The top of this butte was a good place apparently to loaf the sugar.

Posse Grounds

Posse Grounds used to be a rodeo arena! You can see it in a famous old Western The Rounders.

It's now a city park, since 1988 actually, and has picnic tables, ball fields, and a playground.

Doe Mesa

Doe Mesa is a steep mesa which, if you climb to the top, has superb views of Red Rock Country and the Verde Valley.

The trailhead in on Boynton Pass Road. The trail is steep, and a mile long.

Capitol Butte

Capitol Butte is a mountain with a dome shape and stands 6,355 feet tall in elevation.

 In wintertime, the storm clouds will cover the top of Capitol Butte.

 It's also had several different names over the years: Thunder Mountain, Grayback,

and Saddlerock. New Age Believers believe there's a gigantic reservoir of crystals in side Capitol Butte,

and other believe there's a lost city inside.

Chimney Rock

Chimney Rock looks like a chimney but some people think it looks like a three-fingered rock.

Lizard Head

Lizard Head is a butte that looks like a lizard, whose tail is Devil's Bridge.

Devil's Bridge is a natural sandstone arch.

Ship Rock

Ship Rock looks like a sailboat, with triangular sail floating over Sedona, Arizona.

You can see this one from thirty miles away.

< Formations You Can See from Uptown >

Lee Mountain

Lee Mountain was named after a man named Lee. He was a pioneer in the Oak Creek area.

Cathedral Rock

Cathedral Rock has spires, which make people think of a cathedral.

It's the most photographed area in all of Sedona, Arizona.

Giant's Thumb

Giant's Thumb is also called Thumb Butte visible from Schnebly Hill Road.

Munds Mountain

Munds Mountain is 6,834 feet in elevation and named after the Munds family.

They were important, powerful, rich people in the late 1800s heavily involved in politics.

Twin Buttes

Twin Buttes sit together like twins under the blue sky of Sedona, Arizona.

Schnebly Hill

This is a slope with an old road on it that used to be the main route used by traders going to market in Flagstaff.

Camel's Head

Camel's Head is noted for its beautiful colors: orange and red and white stripes,

 so some people call it Tiger's Head. People see images near the ridgeline, like seeing images in a cloud.


This is great: you can see snoopy lying on top of his dog house, and it really does look like him!

It's the famous scene of him lying on his back in profile. The nose is a block of limestone.

< Formations You Can See from Chapel of the Holy Cross >

Bell Rock

Bell Rock is one of the vortices that the New Age Believers consider to be a point of special energy.


Gibraltor are buff-colored cliffs on the edge of the Munds Mountain Wilderness Area,

as designated by the U.S. Forest Service.


Chapel of the Holy Cross was built on its location because the builder of the chapel looked across from

her spot and saw the Madonna in this rock formation.

Courthouse Butte

Courthouse Butte was what Cathedral Rock was supposed to be called.

And this formation was supposed to be called Church Rock. However,

mapmakers changed history when they mislabled the formations and the names stuck.

The Nuns

The Nuns are a pair of spires that don't look like nuns but are named

because of nearby Chapel of the Holy Cross. During construction of the chapel,

lots of religious clergy and nuns used to visit the spot


" Chapel of the Holy Cross "

Marguerite Staude had a vision, lots of money, and powerful friends.

The result of these forces was construction of the Chapel of the Holy Cross,

one of the most popular Sedona attractions.

Marguerite was an heiress and a sculptor and wanted to build a church that was dedicated to art.

In the mid 1950s she got on a plane and looked at the land around Sedona,

Arizona for the perfect spot for her arts chapel. She chose a spur of rock then known as Little Horse Park.

With political pull from her friend Barry Goldwater, she got permission to build on the forest service land,

hired a construction supervisor, and wetn to work. It took a year and a half, and $300,000,

and was touted by such reknowned sources as Life Magazine and The New York Times.

It won all sorts of architecture awards

(she was a big fan and follower of the Frank Lloyd Wright's style of architecture,

incorporating the nature around the building site, letting nature become part of the interior)

and has been a leading attraction in Sedona, Arizona since the 1960s.

Come up here just for the view and you will be amazed. Stop inside the chapel for some personal reflection,

all are welcome, just respect it. There's a gift shop nearby

and also a trail that leads you to a quiet rocky spot for more personal reflection.


"천지창조 (The Creation)"
Franz Joseph Haydn 1732~1809
No.13 - Choir mir soli (Allegro)