깔깔 웃음 보따리/미국 보따리

Enjoy the fun with Moving Pictures

Veronica Kim 2012. 4. 30. 06:49


Moving Pictures
You may have to wait a minute or two for these pictures to load.

    The following are all "moving pictures" .


Let me chew on your ear a minute...


I got your toes... No, I got YOURS!


Who says white dogs can't jump?


Round and round we go... this sure beats chasing your own tail.


By spring, this cat's gonna be a hop-scotch champ!


These two truly make an ODD COUPLE !


Just a minute Mr. DeMille, let me get ready for my close-up!


You think outgrowing your clothes is a problem?
Try outgrowing your pet door!

Life is too short not to take time out to enjoy the fun.

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