나의 이야기/나의 가족&여행

Family Gathering at Laguna Beach, 09/03/2011

Veronica Kim 2011. 9. 12. 04:38

* 사진이 많아 열리는데 시간이 좀 걸릴 것입니다, *

사진을 보시는 중간에 더 이상 사진이 나오지 않고 끊긴 상태에서 stop 될 경우,

마우스의 오른쪽 단추를 누르시고 "Show Pictures" 또는 'Refresh"를 클릭하시면 됩니다.





09/03/2011 Family Gathering at Laguna Beach

                                                              E-mailed by Simon Kim, son

REQUEST: Everyone bring swimming suit and wear it with sunscreen.

Direction's  as follows

  Turn at Wesley Drive from PCH.

Park along the street near the top of Wesley Drive. [RED]

Don’t park in the metered parking or parking lot (maximum 3 hours).  ­

Walk down Wesley Drive, cross the street pass the Montage Resort to the beach. [YELLOW]

Change at the bathroom/shower area by the covered parking building. [BLUE]

On the beach, walk south until in front of large beach houses. [PURPLE]


흐르는 음악은

Haydn Trumpet Concerto in E♭ major 1악장 Allegro 입니다.